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Tse S.K., LEE T.N.M., Law K.Y. and Chan S.P. (2013). An Integrative Perceptual Approach to Learning Chinese Characters via Networking Building , Han-Character and Classical written language Education, 30, 53-85. doi: 10.15670/HACE.2013.30.1.053.

識字, 教法,


An Integrative Perceptual Approach to Learning Chinese Characters via Networking Building


Han-Character and Classical written language Education




Vol. 30


Shek Kam TSE, Monique Toi Na LEE, Kit Ying LAW, Sing Pui CHAN


Chinese educators have for centuries believed that having children repeatedly and meticulously copy Chinese characters and memorize the shape and strokes of each character is the most effective way of learning how to write Chinese. If the characters are presented in isolation or outside a meaningful context, there is a danger that the children will disregard the meanings of the characters, lose interest and become bored.This study looked at the learning of Chinese characters by 78 students, aged 4-6 years in Kindergarten 2 and 3, resented with Chinese characters within semantic networks emphasizing the meaning of the words. Learning clusters of words would hopefully help the hildren
acquire mental lexicons of related words. Evidence about the impact of this approach and the lesson activities on learning was gathered using
quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative analysis involved comparing pre-and post-test scores to examine the children’s knowledge and skills before and after learning. The qualitative evidence was assembled from interviews with teachers and through observing lessons. The students’ breadth of written and spoken vocabulary was examined to see how well the semantic networking had increased their lexicons of associated words. The qualitative analyses indicated that all of the students had improved their interest in learning Chinese characters and had become more active learners. They were more efficient language learners and knew much more about the semantics, phonology and graphics of Chinese characters than did peers taught in neighboring classes by conventional methods.

傳統幼兒識字教學, 主要以大量抄寫的方式, 把漢字個別地學習。但在這教學方式下, 幼兒較難記憶字詞, 容易對學習感到困難, 繼而失去學習興趣。本研究利用綜合高效識字法進行漢字學習, 當中使用字詞網路的教學法, 讓幼兒有系統地記憶一組字詞, 在腦中建立字詞網路, 建立豐富的心理詞彙庫。研究物件是4-6歲香港學前幼兒 (78人), 分兩個年齡組別, 實驗新的教學法。利用前測和後測的成績, 評估新教學法的效果。測試結果顯示兩組年齡的幼兒識字能力及聯想字能力均有顯著的增長。本研究同時利用課堂觀察和教師訪問, 研究幼兒的學習成果, 亦分析幼兒的字詞網路作品, 瞭解兩組年齡的幼兒建立字詞網路的能力。結果顯示兩組幼兒對漢字學習有濃厚的興趣, 在課堂上能主動及專注地學習, 他們亦能快速地掌握漢字的形、音、義, 有效地大量識字。研究亦發現幼兒隨著年齡的增長, 組織字詞網路能力會愈高。

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