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Chinese as a Second Language

高效華文教與學--建構學習系統素 第六届“华文作为第二语言之教与学”国际研讨会 謝錫金教授主题演讲



非華語學生學中文 謝錫金教授接受節目: 教學有心人 訪問

《教授說故事》 香港大學教育學院謝錫金教授介紹幼兒故事應用程式

介紹部件卡和部件學習 謝錫金教授接受時事寬頻節目訪問
Tse, S.K., Leung, C.Y., Tsui, P.F., Chan, K.Y., Kwok, M.C. (2021). A Longitudinal Investigation into the Chinese Language Development of Non-Chinese Speaking Preschoolers in Hong Kong. Journal of Language
教法, 幼兒中文
Tse, S.K., Leung, C.Y., Tsui, P.F., Chan, K.Y., Kwok, M.C. (2021). A Longitudinal Investigation into the Chinese Language Development of Non-Chinese Speaking Preschoolers in Hong Kong. Journal of Language
教法, 幼兒中文
Tse, S.K., Leung, C.Y., Tsui, P.F., Chan, K.Y., Kwok, M.C. (2021). A Longitudinal Investigation into the Chinese Language Development of Non-Chinese Speaking Preschoolers in Hong Kong. Journal of Language
教法, 幼兒中文
Tse, S.K., Leung, C.Y., Tsui, P.F., Chan, K.Y., Kwok, M.C. (2021). A Longitudinal Investigation into the Chinese Language Development of Non-Chinese Speaking Preschoolers in Hong Kong. Journal of Language
教法, 幼兒中文
Tse, S.K. (2020). Pioneering the Home-School-Community Holistic Model in Chinese Language Learning for Non-Chinese-Speaking Pre-school Learners. In C.L.Tan (Ed.), Advancing Both Teaching and Research: A Collection of Academic Papers on the Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Second Language, p. 230-255. Singapore: Singapore Centre for Chinese Language Press.
幼兒中文, 第二語文學習
Loh, E.K.Y. & Tse, S.K. (2018). Catering for Chinese as a second language students’ diversified learning needs: Theories and practice of differentiated curriculum. In E.K.Y. Loh, P.W.Y. Chou and M.S.K. Shum et al. (Eds.), Chinese language education in the multilingual and multicultural contexts: Theories and practice, p. 33-44. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
課程, 教法, 第二語文學習
Loh, E.K.Y. & Tse, S.K. (2018). Assessment for Chinese as a second language learning: Theories and practice. In E.K.Y. Loh, P.W.Y. Chou and M.S.K. Shum et al. (Eds.), Chinese language education in the multilingual and multicultural contexts: Theories and practice, p. 169-180. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press
第二語文學習, 評估
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